Money Smart Athlete Blog

The aim of the Money Smart Athlete Blog is to provide athletes worldwide with the tools to become money smart and help them make savvy financial decisions. We created this blog to transmit and share the knowledge we have accumulated as financial and business advisors during the past two decades.


May 2024: Athletes, Mindfulness and Financial Wellbeing

A number of studies have shown that our mental health and our finances are intertwined.  Just like our mental and physical wellbeing, our financial wellbeing has a huge impact on our daily lives.  Financial stress can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health.  Incorporating mindfulness into how we deal with money and our finances, can help us find balance, feel less stressed and achieve financial wellbeing.

Athletes and financial planning for major events: from Graduation to Retirement

Athlete Retirement Readiness: Crafting a Secure Financial Future in Post-Sports Life

Whether playing in high school, college, or at a professional level, athletes know that the day they will have to hang up their jersey will eventually come. Never playing the game they love in the same way can be devastating, but searching for a path in life where their talents can be utilized like they once did in sports, can be extremely challenging too.

Athletes and financial planning for major events: from Graduation to Retirement

Athletes balancing Financial Freedom and Security: Renting, Owning, and Investing in Real Estate

For athletes, real estate represents more than just a place to call home; it is a strategic asset that enhances financial security amid the uncertainties of a sports career. Whether through renting, owning, or investing, comprehending the distinct advantages of each option can empower athletes to find the ideal balance between financial freedom and financial security.

Athletes and financial planning for major events: from Graduation to Retirement

Athletes Embarking on Parenthood: Financial Strategies for Family Life and Beyond

Entering parenthood marks a significant life transition, particularly for athletes, who encounter distinctive financial considerations alongside the demands of their athletic pursuits. Managing money effectively becomes paramount as they navigate the responsibilities of raising a family while securing their financial stability for the future.

Athletes and financial planning for major events: from Graduation to Retirement

Athletes’ Financial Independence Unleashed: Your Roadmap After Graduation

Graduating as an athlete symbolizes an incredible accomplishment, yet it signals the inception of another critical journey - your path to financial independence. The transition from college sports to the professional arena not only introduces the thrill of competition but also entails the profound responsibility of managing your finances astutely. In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate through the complexities of achieving financial autonomy after graduation. Graduating as an athlete symbolizes an incredible accomplishment, yet it signals the inception of another critical journey - your path to financial independence. The transition from college sports to the professional arena not only introduces the thrill of competition but also entails the profound responsibility of managing your finances astutely. In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate through the complexities of achieving financial autonomy after graduation.

Female Athletes

Beyond Paychecks: Female Athletes and Income Streams Diversification for Financial Security

Why limit female athletes to just paychecks when they have the potential to secure their financial future through diverse income streams? Leveraging their brand recognition and financial resources, women athletes are not only thriving on the field but also exploring entrepreneurship and various ventures off the field. From content creation to advocacy and entrepreneurship, female athletes are paving paths beyond sports, diversifying their income streams while championing gender diversity, empowerment, and social causes.

Female Athletes

Goal-Oriented Financial Planning: Setting Milestones for Female Athletes’ Success

In the dynamic world of sports, female athletes continuously push boundaries, achieve remarkable feats, and serve as inspirations for generations to come. Their dedication, resilience, and unparalleled skill shine on courts, fields, tracks, and arenas worldwide. Yet, amidst the glory of victory and the thrill of competition, there's a vital aspect often overshadowed: financial planning.

Female Athletes

Female Athletes and Strategies for Financial Independence

Within sports, where the spotlight often fades as quickly as it arrives, financial independence for female athletes is a topic of paramount importance but one that is seldom discussed with the depth it deserves. The journey to financial autonomy for women in sports is fraught with unique challenges, disparities in pay, and often a shorter professional lifespan than their male counterparts. However, through strategic planning and astute management, many female athletes have not only navigated these waters successfully but have also set benchmarks for future generations. This article delves into the strategies that have proven effective for female athletes striving for financial independence, illustrated by the examples of trailblazers who have excelled on and off the field.


A Retirement Roadmap for Female Athletes: Securing their Financial Future

In the realm of sports, women athletes consistently defy odds, break barriers, and rewrite history. Their determination, perseverance, and skill not only inspire millions but also pave the way for future generations of women in sports. However, amidst the thrill of competition and the pursuit of excellence, there's one crucial aspect that often takes a backseat – financial planning for retirement.

Life after College Sports

Mental Agility in Transition: Athletes’ Guide to Post-College Resilience

Transitioning from the structured and all-consuming world of college athletics to post-college life can feel like stepping into a vast and unfamiliar landscape, filled with uncertainty and an overwhelming range of decisions. Unlike their peers who may have a more linear path ahead, student-athletes face a uniquely complicated journey as they navigate the crossroads of their collegiate careers.

Life after College Sports

Athletes: Developing a Plan for a Meaningful Post-Sports Career

The majority of college athletes will not fulfill their dream of turning professional and they need to be as prepared as possible to face this reality. Shifting their focus from the pitch to a career that might not involve sports and building a new legacy, poses many challenges. This is due to the fact that an athlete’s identity is closely tied to their sport, but it’s certainly achievable with careful planning, preparation and persistence.

Life after College Sports

Beyond the Game: Crafting a Career Beyond College Athletics

For numerous athletes, collegiate sports mark the peak of their athletic endeavors. The years dedicated to competing at this level are full of trials, triumphs, and an abundance of memories. However, as graduation looms closer, athletes are often confronted with the question of what lies ahead. While some may aspire to pursue professional sports, the harsh reality is that only a small fraction will make it to the realm of professional sports. Hence, it becomes crucial for student-athletes to prepare for life beyond the game, shaping a career that transcends their time on the field or court.

Life after College Sports

The Next Chapter: Exploring the paths of former Student-Athletes

The journey of student-athletes often conjures images of glory on the field and potential professional careers, but the reality is that most will find their path in other arenas after college. This broader landscape offers a multitude of opportunities where the discipline, teamwork, and resilience learned in sports become invaluable. This article delves into the diverse and inspiring journeys of former student-athletes, highlighting the myriad ways in which their sports experiences have paved the way for success in various fields.


February 2024 Editorial: Starting Strong: Life after College Sports

One of the greatest challenges faced by student athletes, is transitioning from college life to either competing professionally or becoming professionals in a field outside of sports—or at least outside the pitch. According to the NCAA, only around 2% out of 480,000 college athletes move on to compete at a professional or Olympic level. So, it is imperative that collegiate athletes contemplate a life and a career off the pitch in order to have a plan B available, should they not manage to turn pro.

Starting Strong: Financial Fitness Tips for Athletes

Financial Goal Setting in Sports and Beyond

One could argue that money is not everything; it cannot be denied that its significance lies in enabling a comfortable life. To live a comfortable life means that you reach financial freedom through financial goal setting. Athletes must think long-term when setting their financial goals, as a sports career may be successful but for most athletes it may only last for a few years. From that point onwards they have to live off the savings set aside while being active in sports.  These savings are most definitely the results of the financial goals they had set during their athletic years and the earlier they had started, the better off they are.

Starting Strong: Financial Fitness Tips for Athletes

Customized Budgeting Techniques for Athletes: Strategies and Real-World Insights

Navigating the financial landscape as a professional athlete, requires more than talent on the field; it demands strategic financial planning and disciplined budgeting. Inspired by the 'Premier Sports Network's article on 'Athlete Financial Planning', let's delve into five effective budgeting techniques, complemented with real-world examples from the world of sports, to illustrate how athletes can secure their financial future.
